On Content Creation · On Writing · WinterABC Storytelling Festival 2024

#WinterABC24: Believe Me, Your Blog Matters

We live in the era where instant things are a norm. Microwave pizza, instant loans, instant deliveries…instant reach. This instant gratification syndrome sways us so much so we expect the same when it comes to our words, our voice, our creations. Yet, creativity and impact goes beyond numbers: our blogs are a canvas of change with every blog post shared. They’re spaces where we shift narratives as we speak out for the weak and speak truths. These same blogs are the digital playgrounds where we lay aside our fears and act on our creative dreams sparking others along the way. So isn’t it unfair to base the value of what your blog means by the number of likes you receive?

They say the pen is mightier than the sword and thus with every post, every story we drive change as we address systemic issues, contribute to societal progress by encouraging dialogue and pushing for not only change but safe spaces to create awareness on matters that affect us on a daily.

Hashtags are breaking more chains that violence ever forced.

We create virtual communities where like-minded individuals connect, share ideas, and collaborate. These communities can drive collective action, change the status quo. Look what #rejectfinancebill2024 has sparked. Action speak like wildfire. One blog. One Instagram post. One tweet. One video. Action as a collective.

“You’re ready. Start making stuff.”

Austin Kleon

I’ve had awe-inspiring encounters of people sparked by my words while I had otherwise thought nobody consumes my poetry: while one bookish friend went ahead and not only quoted a poem I wrote back to me but also published a book because I fueled her imagination others were so moved by my Mental Check post that a whole wholesome conversation ensued about mental health. According to them it was like I took words and feelings right out of their bodies, hearts and minds and vividly painted them on paper. I created a safe space where talk about mental health was encouraged and so was healing. My courage to take about my dance with depression left a deep mark. That one positive reach is all that matters. For me anyway.

You think no one is reading and being moved by your words. You’re so wrong. Someone somewhere is clinging to your blog like it’s a breath of fresh air. Your testimonies of triumphs amidst challenges are fueling faith and strength. Your courage to chase your dreams on paper are reigniting creativity and activating dreams. It’s take a village to create change but it ha to start with you, one blog at a time.

Every blog post has the potential to shape minds, hearts, and actions. So just write. Wacha mambo mengi. You never know who you’re saving, who you’re speaking for or sparking into action. You don’t know who you might be healing and reminding to feel again. Just write

Your blog matters.

Your voice is powerful, blog on, write on!

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