
Eject These Jokers And Their Bill

Our votes gave them power to sit on
that throne and empower the community
with change. In stead they dip into our
pockets stretched thin, stealing
with their overbearing taxes in the promise
of change, leaving us with chum change,
dry bowls, emaciated dreams, dead deeds.

The women representatives, sell outs!
Wengine wao kazi ni mdomo when not
necessary na urembo: disappointed with
these appointments.

Don’t forget the clowns.
We employ him, pay him and yet
he turns around, calls our cries
jokes though he is the one wearing
the jokers mask deal away our cards.
So this is what we get when we believe
in clowns wearing crowns ? Lesson learnt!

We will not be hushed or tagged
compliant yet you promise to weigh us
down while you still our lives and steal
from our sweat, blood and tears. We’d
rather eat this tear gas as change sweeps
through the air. As the cops chase us
let them know we are also fighting for
them, their children too.

Our past echoes, our present screams
and our future depends on this voice.

We the baby boomers, millenials, Gen X,
Y, Z and everyone in between shall stand
solid and strong and….


Unlike you, dear politician, we
mean business: reject that finance
bill or we eject you from our seats!

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