Poetry · WinterABC23 Storytelling Festival

A New Day

16th June marks the day of the African Child.

In every new day
There I that chance of rebirth,
A clean slate to try anew
Another chance to try another way
Extra day for our ideas to come to birth.
Even with hurdles
We have that spring in our step-
That energy, faith, idea, that power-
To jump over them
And step towards the mark
Emblazon a digital mark.

DAC themes this year is ‘the rights of a child in the digital age’

Every new day is
A day for us dear African children
To leave deep
Footprints with ones and zeros
Upon the universality that connects us.
Let’s wield this power with grace
Its not a race, rat or otherwise,
Let’s wield this grace with power.
No more swiping left
We are the be holders of dreams
Moving right and light.

And when we’ll fly, for we will,
Let’s remember our roots
That made us shoot into greatness
Remember our walk to freedom
Is not close to over
We still have things around other
Childrens necks to unyoke.
Our steps today will be the visa
To more freedom and power, ideas and growth.
May we keep on reaching for the stars.
everyday is our day
That’s our power!

Every day is a new day…

Happy Day of The African Child and may you keep on reaching for the stars. Remember, everyday is your day and that’s your power!

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