Poetry · WinterABC23 Storytelling Festival

Write To Remember

Oh Glory!
Every time I see the half
Of our yellow sun
I remember these things called words
And am blown away.
Magical and enchanting:
Worlds built upon words
Words that mirror our world
Letting our thoughts
Run amok on pages
Infused with feelings,
Inking worlds and sinking meanings.
We could coin this wordplay
But it’s not only play
For to play with words is like praying,
Praying to paint wonders and power
With glorious words.

And now more than ever
This is a walk to remember
For we need no new names to write.
Leave your enchanting mark,

Why not write
Right this moment than ever?
Ink your soul to the tree
That was rooted for this purpose.
Endeavor to charm us away from the harm of procrastination, doubt, fear….

When things fall apart, write
For behold we are the dreamers who’ll pick up the pieces
Turning this into the promised land.
When under the udala trees, write
Figures died for you to have the freedom to.
When inspired by the dragonfly sea, write
Our stores are full of tales to light your words
Shine our world to the rest of the world.
When the scent of the purple hibiscus
Makes you sense stories within its cells, write.
Breaking rules, warping words into your chosen images.
When scenes as you’re going down river road
Nudge you to emblazon them into words
Telling stories that are home, makes others feel at home, write.
Let not this be a havoc of choice
And your words left to build a house of rust,
Come to birth and

Remember to walk
The talk:
To write is to light
You never know whose candle you’d relight
Or whose heart you’ll make feel light.
Write and ignite,
Write and be infinite,
Take your writing to a greater height!


Week 4 of the #WinterABC23 Storytelling Festival and today’s post is an ode to literature from home and writing. I hope this lights up someone and gets them reading if not writing. Or even both.

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