Poetry · WinterABC23 Storytelling Festival

Rights of Passage

She has been incessantly
Incessantly knocking on our doors
And while others let her in gladly
To unlatch the locks that held us back
After fighting tooth and nail
Sweating blood and tears
Some succumbing to the dark fears,
Some are still lost in the darkness
Searching for that switch
That will shine light into their land.
She, change, is the light that gave us flight to freedom
She is still working her magic
As the liberated lands are like a spark
to locked land’s embers,
spurring the fire on
As they war for what’s rightfully ours.
There is a sliver of light
Slipping in their tuff
And we pray they accept the light
For we are all in one
And one in all,
What affects them
affects us.

It’s like a right of passage
Coming to birth from white rule
Dethroning corrupted black rulers
And removing the kinks that still lock our minds
For freedom is multilayered like the humans we are.
But we still wonder,
Are we really free?
And if not
Is it time yet?

I feel it’s time,
Our right of passage,
Time to pass from shackles
To being free to will our power
And power our wonders.
We have seconded
Passed the bill
And it’s law now.
It is time,
Time for change
Time for change in Africa
For Africa.
It’s time!

Art and image created by moi @loveishermagicwand aka @empressofbookingham

“Most people write me off when they see me.
They do not know my story.
They say I am just an African.
They judge me before they get to know me.
What they do not know is
The pride I have in the blood that runs through my veins;
The pride I have in my rich culture and the history of my people;
The pride I have in my strong family ties and the deep connection to my community;
The pride I have in the African music, African art, and African dance;
The pride I have in my name and the meaning behind it.
Just as my name has meaning, I too will live my life with meaning.
So you think I am nothing?
Don’t worry about what I am now,
For what I will be, I am gradually becoming.
I will raise my head high wherever I go
Because of my African pride,
And nobody will take that away from me.”

idowu koyenikan, Wealth for all Africans: How Every African Can Live the Life of Their Dreams


Today marks the last day of week 4 (day 17), with the theme of the week being light. It’s been such a delight penning on the go, something meaningful and impactful for that matter. Seeing the aftereffects has me so inspired if not thirsty to learn and create more. And the climax has been getting lost in my fellow Afrobloggers writing, views and sentiments. We are truly rich out here in Africa oh. And now we rest and reset so that we can fire up once again, for the last week. Hope I made swoon, smile, dream, believe or moved you in one way or another for I’ve been moved so much my nerves are almost burning. But am not complaining.

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