Love · Poetry

What Is Love?

“How do you know what love is
when you didn’t encounter her at home
in her full glory
and wholly, adorning your crown?
Is it being pampered or hampered?
Is it even functional or its this damn dysfunctional constant?
Is it shaped like a human or is it an ethereal being?

Is it being gifted slurring words meant to cut
before they’re again used succinctly on you
to slip, soothe and still if not steal.
then against you, used to single you out and singe
butter and batter…
then the cycle continues again?

Is it being hit when the heat gets out of hand
handing you blows and slaps,
later on using the same soiled hands on
the same battered body
to bring them pleasure,
as if the painful pressure wasn’t enough?

Is it being feed so well with tainted love
till they see you fit,
fit for some emotional exorcism
if not boxing in a ring,
not that,
the ring of rage, hate, greed and power
boxing you in darkness and powerlessness?

Is it this intoxicating entity
that has you like a kite so high
or is it that toxic component
that drugs and drags you down
to the bottom of the rock?

Is it being mentally belittled
chirped away at till you’re left
and left so torn
that little of you is left?

What is love?
Someone please tell me.
What is love?
Someone please show me.
What is love?
Someone please shower me.
What is love?
Someone please cleanse me.”

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2 thoughts on “What Is Love?

  1. love is a river that lost its way and found itself at the mouth of a water-eating monster – naaaahhhh, i just wanted to comment something

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