
How can you?

“When was the last time you kissed yourself?
You read that right?
And nothing sexually depraved here.
Read that again.
When was the last time you kissed yourself?
How can you expect something from others
Yet you deprive yourself of the same?

You attract who you are,
and if who you are is this stingy self
that can’t even tell the person in the mirror
‘I love you’ and mean it
how can the world serve you the same?
The outside gives what you dish out on the inside.

How can you expect softness when you
batter yourself with deprecating thoughts
cut yourself with doubt and hate
beat yourself with fear and hold onto pain?
How can you?

So we are back here
When was the last time you kissed yourself?
Read that again,
And again,
And again,
Until you gain the courage to answer
Or better yet to lift up your hand
and plant a soft kiss on your canvas.

Mirror depiction of self love.

Give yourself this love you’ve been peddling.
Show yourself the care you’ve been dealing out.
Shower yourself with this softness that you’re willing to give to the hard world.
Have the courage to look inside and find that beauty you are looking for out here
and if you don’t find it, add it, fill yourself up.
Be the change you’ve been craving to feel,
and the world will change with you.”

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