
March’s Awakening

Happy new month 🥳

In the quiet chilly hush of dawn,
March tiptoed into our lives,
Her footsteps echoing fear withdrawn,
Now we dance in possibilities she gladly gives.

She wears a cloak of budding green,
A promise whispered to the earth,
Awakening glorious dreams unseen,
Beauty stretches seeking rebirth.

Endless blue skies, her playful accomplice,
Painting hope as slumbering ideas spring,
They whisper secrets, soft and bliss,
Of warmer days and brighter things.

March, the bridge between renewal and love,
Her calendar marked with equinox’s grace,
Weaving a tapestry of hope, blessings from above,
Inviting life to quicken its pace.

So let us raise our voices high,
To March, may you be a bountiful spring.
With open arms and a hopeful sigh,
We welcome her, and all she’ll bring.

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