
Dreams Du Jour

Poetry Prompt Day 23: Delight

“What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?”

I gaze at my life menu hungrily
my whole palate in a mish mash
of chaos: my heart is in delight
of having it all. Though my mind
wonders if we can stomach it all
or whether circumstances as a whole
will kindly fill my cup to the brim.

What type of meals can I have?
Can I have my cake and eat it?

Oh forgive me…
Let me share my menu with you but
be wary everyone’s menu is different.
We may be in the same restaurant
dubbed life, our menus are varied.

Menu of Desires

1. Familial Appetizer

Desire: To weave together a loving family,
share memories, hopes, love and warmth:
a safe haven where acceptance embraces.

Attainability: Absolutely achievable! But
first, a wholesome human to mingle with
for life.

2. Writing Entree

Desire: To write stories and poems that
dance off the page leaving a mark in
other’s heart and mind.

Attainability: Within reach! Pick
up my pen on a daily,let ink flow,
and breathe life into characters
emotions, possibilities and magic
that’ll linger in the hearts of readers.

3. Drawing Souffle

Desire: To draw emotions, shade power
into a 3D plane, tattoo it in truth and love.

Attainability: Undoubtedly possible!
Dare to brush into the palette of existence,
blend joy, sorrow, wonder, and let
my canvas sing. Imagination knows
no bounds!

4. Healing Herbs Salad

Desire: To nurture mind, body, and soul.

Attainability: Very achievable!
Plant seeds of self-care, tend
to them with love, kindness and
watch resilience sprout from
my garden.

5. Bookish Daiquiri

Desire: To collect wisdom, stories,
and forgotten echoes.

Attainability: Absolutely!
Each book I buy, read adds a chapter
to my inner library, grows my outer
library as I seek knowledge like
I know nought with a delightful

7. Tea with Time

Desire: To sip serenity and converse
with moments.
Attainability: In a way, yes!
Brew patience, steep in reflection,
and let time unfold its delicate
leaves as I slowly sip my life. Slow
does it.

8. Freedom Nightcap

Desire: To weave threads of abundance,
financial freedom, and security.

Attainability: Like a skilled weaver,
I can create this tapestry!Starting
with a foundation of financial literacy,
add threads of disciplined saving,
and stitch together investments that
grow like leaves in spring. Financial
freedom is whetting my appetite into

All is possible, I dare not say never
no matter what others may shout,

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