
Vintage Connections

Poetry Prompt Day 25: Inner voices

“Do you remember life before the internet?”

Unlike an era of one’s and zeros instantly
connecting us, then letters carried gently
in between papers held us together. Much
more was placed in between those actual
letters unlike the words we use now to
sear others and cause fear. Love tore
itself from our soul and wound gently
along ‘g’s curlicues while hope dotted
the ‘I’s and joy crossed the ‘t’s: these papers
captured parts of us and our vintage pasts.

Letters had hearts and lives of their own.

Every time I took pen to paper time stood
still, when I placed pen against paper
emotions rushed out side by side along
the ink listening to the whisper of secrets
my inner voice were creating. In the end
a priceless masterpiece mirroring my heart
and mind told of this connection with others
that was brewed along time, nurtured I
patience lingering with truth. These letters
a testament to a time when we minded life
more slowly, in these moments, savored the
beauty of snail mail and the connections
hand written letters and life as a whole
allowed us.

Sigh! Why does things flows too fast now?

Packing loaded stories into envelopes, sealed
with a kiss, postmen carried away our hearts.
We held our breath hoping the other side
of the world will receive it and give us more
life by sending a part of them back: time
stretched into weeks laced with hope. Until…
Oh! What a joy to receive a reply, the
crinkle of unfolding paper a therapy
on its own delivering dreams, wrapped in
fragility. Despite all, vintage connections,
though faded by years still whisper their
magic rekindling antique years.

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