Mental Health & Healing · Poetry

The Trial Within

Poetry Prompt Day 27: Reflection As the scales of justice sway a silent battle unfolds, unseenby the day powered by darkness of night that feeds it:the judge, Love, donned a robe of gray, his gavel poisedyet ready to reinforce change and overturn this dark fate, the prosecutor's ready to cut down corruption, the defense, oh… Continue reading The Trial Within

Mental Health & Healing · Poetry

Cold Knots

“How do you feel about cold weather?” “J'ai froid,” her contorted brow and chatteringteeth screamed as she paced back and forth, back and forth racing against the raindropsslipping down her windowpane. She knots a scarfaround her neck tighter in hopes it's thread will trap even a flicker of hope and warmth as a shieldagainst this… Continue reading Cold Knots

Mental Health & Healing · Self-care Sunday

Mental Check (Pt 2): How Do You Deal?

Even with its beauty and power life has it downs, those grey moments that come say 'hey' and make you feel insignificant, alone, lost, a failure among other feelings. Taking away your healthy mental state down the drain. Could be because of all the violence around, the economy squeezing out our last coins, lack of… Continue reading Mental Check (Pt 2): How Do You Deal?