
It’s Not You Against I, Afande

It's not you against I, Afande,It's my voice against powers that be, people whom sat on that sit because I, the people, cast my vote to havethem there. It's not you against I, Afande,It's us against impunity, greedcorruption infesting the soulsof people who promised us change only to turn and back us into a corner,… Continue reading It’s Not You Against I, Afande


Eject These Jokers And Their Bill

Our votes gave them power to sit onthat throne and empower the communitywith change. In stead they dip into ourpockets stretched thin, stealingwith their overbearing taxes in the promiseof change, leaving us with chum change, dry bowls, emaciated dreams, dead deeds. The women representatives, sell outs!Wengine wao kazi ni mdomo when notnecessary na urembo: disappointed… Continue reading Eject These Jokers And Their Bill