Love · Poetry · WinterABC Storytelling Festival 2024

#WinterABC24: Love’s Dance Across Shifting Borders

That first time the word slippedthrough my lips sweetly, soundlesslyin a foreign rhythm yet it echoedback a familiar feel of love, the kindI had yet to taste from our lands.It feels like silk against a sultry skinor honey dissolving on my tonguethis loaded word, babe. I found thisgem unexpectedly that it shattered mydark armor, cleared… Continue reading #WinterABC24: Love’s Dance Across Shifting Borders

WinterABC Storytelling Festival 2024

#WinterABC24: Who Is At That Heart of My Content Creation? AI or I?

The million dollar question: Is AI here to serve us or have us for dinner?For a creative who loves living under her rock and enjoys creating things from scratch I had to to lift my head from the sand and keep up with changing times. Nothing can kill creativity like obsolete systems and a closed… Continue reading #WinterABC24: Who Is At That Heart of My Content Creation? AI or I?

Poetry · WinterABC Storytelling Festival 2024

#WinterABC24: In Momma’s Steps?

Poetry Prompt Day 29: Solid ground The start of #WinterABC24 “Momma how did you do it?” I murmurto the echo of her knitted brow sitting onher strong tea colored visage. “How did you knit parts of you into whole beingsbear them then clothed, fed, educated,loved us ferociously and supported usthrough thickest of your thighs and… Continue reading #WinterABC24: In Momma’s Steps?