Mental Health & Healing · Poetry

Cold Knots

“How do you feel about cold weather?”

“J’ai froid,” her contorted brow and chattering
teeth screamed as she paced back and forth,
back and forth racing against the raindrops
slipping down her windowpane. She knots a scarf
around her neck tighter in hopes it’s thread will trap
even a flicker of hope and warmth as a shield
against this frosty pain trying to outrace her zen
mind. Unknotting it into a loose ribbon, cool air
slips and kisses her neck raising hairs with faith.

Funny how she finds solace within the folds
of the green scarf, it’s rows helping take stock
of her mental garden. Fervent whispers slip
between her lips in wisps, a prayer for her
will not to crumple on the depths of a frozen
graveyard yet again. She unknots the ribbon
of a scarf once again trying to release energy
that is begging to choke. She has to face this.

The scarf softly caresses her neck, cradles
her fragile thoughts just about fraying at
the seams like its sole purpose is to save
this beautiful broken soul. Wrapping it tighter
against a cold draft she feels warmth again
softening the chilly feelings steeping in her
bones and that dance along dark thoughts.
She has to face the cold world, internally
she has to face her cold thoughts, externally.

She sighs, gazes deeply at the wet somber world
and turns that knob that spews her into
the cold weather… The scarf, her faithful
confidante, wraps her in courage, stitch by stitch.
She faces the cold, once a dear friend, and takes
a step then embraces the world even in her
numbness. The cold may gnaw at her bones
but by her stance and that lovely scarf
she dares not give up without a scuffle.

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