
Yarn Alchemy

Poetry Prompt Day 24: Puzzle pieces

“What are you good at?”

I am a hooker and make things knit.
I love my WIPs and chains as much
as I do my (yarn) balls. In my purse
is a 9 mm with a license to purl:
yarn being my language and crochet
my poetry that puzzle pieces of a
colorful string beautifully together.
Some call me a stitch witch I like to
think am Stitcherella for this is knot
your average hobby yet I thrive at it
and weave magic with past midnight.

In a world full of knots my therapy
is this hook, yarn, and utter silence
well, except for the gentle click of
my creations. Every loop a leap of
faith as I weave my dreams into reality.
I didn’t choose the skein life,
the skein life chose me.

Oh! And I’ve got a PhD in crocheting:
Projects Half Done. 

Feeling knotty? Let’s crochet!

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