Books · Random Musings

Under The Influence

“It’s not fair
That your innocence
Was stripped bare
And not even your papa could
Protect you.
Now you’re out in the cold
Hate slapping you without remorse
Superiority adding it’s own whipping
Fear and anxiety holding your heart dear
Squeezing every humanity out of you…

…Sigh! Now I even realize
Sorry doesn’t even cut it
Rather it cuts even deeper
Against wounds still healing. ”

I’m Sorry, Omeno M.

I’m currently reading Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay and I know what’s waiting me deeper in this book is cuts, bruises…brokenness.

But oh am ready to be broken. By a book. But hopefully it’ll put me back together with bands of love deprived of prejudice , faith, healing, beauty among the scars and that hope, hope in humanity.

The stars marked them for death…will they rise among the ashes?

Am under this book’s influence and I couldn’t help but bleed onto something and penning is the way I heal the wound. Every paragraph I read I’ll let it’s content continue to inspire me so and inform me till a full grown poem will be it’s by-product.

The writing in this book is beautiful, vivid and alive like the emotions flowing through our characters and like the motions that has characters bleeding and breathing out ‘it’s not fair!’

Such books make me realize how fiction matters and can leave a deep mark if not knowledge. Reminder of how others can spark a light in others, speak for others. Reminder how words can the blanket that covers broken hearts while they heals
the warmth that freezes the cold world from warm, giving hearts
the magic that creates, patches, delivers
the link that connects us to the past, future and now

What are you reading? Has it sparked anything? And by anything I mean anything.


Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten year-old girl, is taken with her parents by the French police as they go door-to-door arresting French families in the middle of the night. Desperate to protect her younger brother, Sarah locks him in a bedroom cupboard-their secret hiding place-and promises to come back for him as soon as they are released.

Sixty Years Later: Sarah’s story intertwines with that of Julia Jarmond, an American journalist investigating the roundup. In her research, Julia stumbles onto a trail of secrets that link her to Sarah, and to questions about her own romantic future.

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