
The Dream Collector

“Do you have any collections?”

I stare wistfully at the spines of chests holding endless stories
each shelf tries to outrace the other by the number of books
it holds. Each book unread a promise of an adventure untold
every book devoured a home to my mind and characters
who’ve become kin what with their kindred spirits…

My near and dear ones have dubbed me the dream collector
I get high on others ideals and get sparked by their ideas,
this room with my collection of books is like a vault holding
dreams: a writer’s dream to let their art out in the world,
my dream to read my heart out and get lost in their world. A deep smile curves a promise of handling our dreams tenderly.

This dream collector knows no bounds, from fantasy realms
to historical lore. I’ve plucked stars from celestial skies, and sailed seas where mermaids soar, I surrendered to bandits
and fallen in love with morally grey characters. My heart has been patched by soulful themes and rekindled by saucy
plots. This is why I collect bookish dreams wrapped in ink…

Cheers to dreamers and seekers alike, the ones who grow whole in ink and rhymes, may your collection of books forever grow, may others dreams make us glow and go into worlds
weaved by dreams. And may we dare to be dream handlers
too: rewriting narratives, challenging norms, inspiring and illuminating truth like the characters we so love.

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